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Community Support Services (CSS)

Community Service

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Community Support Services (CSS) serve individuals with non-neurological disabilities, to include: developmental disabilities, long-term mental illness, and physical disabilities. Also served are individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury or other types of acquired brain injury (stroke, tumor, anoxia, etc.). Services are provided on an individualized basis to enhance the client’s capacity to process and interpret information and improve their ability to function in social, vocational, educational, and other community environments on a daily basis.

A comprehensive approach is utilized to improve functions such as attention, memory, problem-solving, reasoning, judgement, conceptualizing, and appropriate social interactions, and to teach compensatory strategies utilizing items such as schedules, checklists, memory books and assistive technology.

Finding employment is not the only challenge to face when working towards maximizing independence.  Sometimes tasks such as bathing and meal preparation can seem daunting especially when done on your own for the first time.  Designing a daily routine can be constructive in reaching self-sufficiency goals.  We focus on building a strong foundation for your continued success at home so you can be ready for success in the work environment.  We offer individualized training and assistance in the following:

  • Food Preparation (measuring ingredients, reading instructions for food prep, following recipes)

  • Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping (looking at nutrition labels, creating a shopping list)

  • Housekeeping (creating a chore list, developing routines)

  • Laundry (separating, washing, and drying clothing)

  • Life Management (resource utilization, decision making and planning)

  • Medication (developing medication schedules and alerts to take medicine)

  • Personal Safety (home safety, protecting yourself and your personal information)

  • Leisure and Recreation (participating in activities to increase quality of life outside of vocational goals)

  • Money Management (financial awareness, budgeting and saving for goals)

  • Residential (securing and maintaining an apartment or home of your choice)

  • Shopping (planning for and shopping in the community or online)

  • Socializing (developing social supports and opportunities for social engagement) 

  • Travel (navigating public and private transportation in the community)

Why Roger Walks

Roger Brannon is sittig down in a chair, talking. Behind him there is a banner with a USA flag and a saluting soldier. It reads "Did you know that ou military heroes are twice as likely to develop Lou Gehrig's Desease?

I met Roger Brannon, retired Marine, in March 2018. On May 23, 2016, nine days after his 45 birthday, Roger was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).  Not the news he expected to be dealing with when planning life at 45 and beyond. But it didn’t take this strong, brave Marine long to decide what he was going to do with his diagnosis. When the neurologist told Roger that he might have ALS, He researched ALS and was surprised by what he read. The first fact he found was that military veterans are twice as likely to get ALS. This hit home with him... 

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The Choice Group’s Vocational Counselors are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

to provide employment supports to clients who are working or seeking employment.

The Choice Group’s administrative office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Choice Group logo

Toll Free (877) 374-5312  /  Phone: (804) 278-9151

Address: 4807 Radford Ave # 106, 

Richmond, VA 23230

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