During the COVID-19 crisis The Choice Group will remain open providing services and information to our clients. Please contact your Vocational Counselor directly or reach our main office by phone (804) 278-9151/ (877) 374-5312 or email TTW@TheChoiceGroup.com
Job Coach Enabled
Positive Behavioral Supports

After a client is successfully employed and a behavior challenge arises on the job site, a Vocational Counselor Job Coach may provide behavior interventions at the workplace. The interventions will be based on the recommendations of the Behavior Support Plan written by a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. On-going data collection at the job site and analysis of the data will help inform progress decisions.
For more information send us an email at info@thechoicegroup.com
Lauren found success through Vocational Counseling!

Katelyn Lacy, a vocational counselor in the Central Virginia region, started working with Lauren Garrett in April of 2017. They began by completing extensive job development training for four and a half months. Together, they worked on job interviewing skills, social interactions within interviews as well as with...