During the COVID-19 crisis The Choice Group will remain open providing services and information to our clients. Please contact your Vocational Counselor directly or reach our main office by phone (804) 278-9151/ (877) 374-5312 or email TTW@TheChoiceGroup.com
Ticket to Work
The Ticket to Work program was created by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (TWWIIA), and The Choice Group has provided services as an approved Employment Network (EN) since 2009. The goal of the program is to increase self-sufficiency for Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities. The program matches beneficiaries who want to work and transition off cash benefits with the unique supports they need from ENs to prepare for employment, find an appropriate job, and become stable and independent in it. A major component of the program is helping beneficiaries understand their SSI/SSDI benefits, the effects that earned income will have on those benefits, how to protect their health benefits, and the Work Incentives available to help them bridge the gap to self-sufficiency.
Have you received a call, text or letter about Ticket to Work?
The Choice Group is an approved Ticket to Work provider through the Social Security Administration. Ticket to Work is a free, voluntary program. We have qualified staff who can provide information about your Social Security Disability Benefits and your options for returning to work.
You can confirm that The Choice Group is an approved Ticket to Work Program service provider by using Social Security’s Find Help tool, or by contacting the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 or 866-833-2967 (TTY) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET.