During the COVID-19 crisis The Choice Group will remain open providing services and information to our clients. Please contact your Vocational Counselor directly or reach our main office by phone (804) 278-9151/ (877) 374-5312 or email TTW@TheChoiceGroup.com
TTW Administrative Employment Network (Admin EN) Services

For more information send us an email at info@thechoicegroup.com
The Choice Group was formed in 1998 as an Employment Services Organization (ESO) providing a range of employment services to the state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies. After becoming an Employment Network (EN) in 2009, we were one of the original six (6) ENs that collaborated with VR to develop the Partnership Plus program in Virginia. That was the start of a close working relationship with VR regarding the Ticket to Work (TTW) program and the importance of Work Incentives counseling for beneficiaries in the VR system. Through active involvement in the National Employment Network Association (NENA) and the National Association of Benefits and Work Incentives Specialists (NABWIS), we have had the opportunity to form close working relationships with VR, the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Ticket Program Manager (TPM), and participate in numerous state and national Proofs of Concept (POCs).
During the COVID-19 crisis The Choice Group will remain open providing services and information to our clients. Please contact your Vocational Counselor directly or reach our main office by phone (804) 278-9151/ (877) 374-5312 or email TTW@TheChoiceGroup.com
Get started
In 2014, we recognized that other Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs) or ESOs were interested in participating in the TTW program without actually becoming ENs. Partnering with VR to identify CRPs/ESOs that were vendors to VR and provided high quality services to individuals with disabilities, we developed our first Administrative EN (AEN) Agreement. Since then we have provided services and support to a variety of organizations, both in Virginia and numerous other states. These Partner Affiliates include one or more of the following:
Centers for Independent Living (CIL)
Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP)
Community Services Board (CSB)
Employment Network (EN)
State and Local government human service agency
Key Staff

Chris Lavach

Jennifer Anonick
Ticket to Work Manager
Next Steps
We welcome the opportunity to explore your needs and how we could partner to meet them. Please contact Rachel Hoffman at Rachel.Hoffman@thechoicegroup.com
Through the development of customized AEN Agreements to meet the needs of our Partner Affiliates, we have provided a range of services which may include:
Comprehensive in-person or video-conference orientation
Resource binder
Work Incentives Counseling
Federal benefits subject matter experts
Career Counseling
EN Mentoring
Financial Wellness Services
Ongoing Employment Supports
Secure Portal to facilitate communication and document submission/access
Bi-monthly group training
Individual training to include secure screen-sharing
Access to national disability recruiter
Timely submission of payment requests and TTW revenue disbursement
Facilitation and monitoring of the suitability process
The mission of The Choice Group is a commitment to excellence in meeting our clients’ needs, while foremost respecting their individuality and right to make life choices.
How Michael & Son Changed My Life
From the Blog of Michael & Son, comes one of our client's stories about how she found success!

By Shadi Tahrawi
My name is Kimberly Martin and I work as a Customer Service Representative at Michael and Son Services. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be in this place right now. A place where I can help others and also help myself. At one point I could only imagine this, looking back over my life and hearing people say “Kim, you can’t work anymore” ...